
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

Sometimes I get lost thinking how things could’ve been different, but not in the way you might think.

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Yesterday Doesn’t Have to Determine Tomorrow

Yes, spinal-cord injury is hard. But like so many other things in all our lives, it is just one of a myriad of past experiences that I live with in the present and doesn’t have to stop me from flourishing in the future.

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Putting Myself First

Putting my well-being first has meant not being able to write, record or post as much content as I’d like… and I’m okay with that 😊

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Grief and Gratitude

Jan, 21st 2022. I thought I knew pain before this date. I was sorely mistaken. The words don’t exist to describe this, so I won’t try. But I do have the words to describe the gratitude for everything that makes this pain possible.

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A Dream And Nothing More

Just a dream I once had. It was surreal and yet so real, unexplainable yet totally understandable, joyful and yet painful. You know, like most dreams… but not.

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How To Build Your Resilience

How can we build our resilience? Well, I know how I try to maintain mine. Might work for you too.

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Hot Sauce and Orange Pip

Many of us have asked or been ased “what we are most looking forward to returning to after the pandemic”. I think I actually finally have a good, non cjiché answer. This is about to get random.

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Don’t Give Up On Tomorrow Because Of Today’s Struggles

Sometimes the best parts of you can only be seen by those who love you. Don’t shut them out, You’ll be surprised what they have to show you.

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2020: The Year Of Lemons

We’ve all been given lemons in the last year, and the lemonade hasn’t been easy to make. But believe me, you’ve already made more than you think, and keep making more everyday. Don’t stop.

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A Very Odd Christmas

2020, the year when nothing went as expected. Not even Christmas.

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Your Inner Strength

Your inner strength is hardest to see when you most need it. But don’t doubt yourself, it’s there.

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