Yesterday Doesn’t Have to Determine Tomorrow

Yes, spinal-cord injury is hard. But like so many other things in all our lives, it is just one of a myriad of past experiences that I live with in the present and doesn’t have to stop me from flourishing in the future.

How To Build Your Resilience

How can we build our resilience? Well, I know how I try to maintain mine. Might work for you too.

Don’t Give Up On Tomorrow Because Of Today’s Struggles

Sometimes the best parts of you can only be seen by those who love you. Don’t shut them out, You’ll be surprised what they have to show you.

2020: The Year Of Lemons

We’ve all been given lemons in the last year, and the lemonade hasn’t been easy to make. But believe me, you’ve already made more than you think, and keep making more everyday. Don’t stop.

Your Inner Strength

Your inner strength is hardest to see when you most need it. But don’t doubt yourself, it’s there.

Happiness Doesn’t Mean Easy

Happiness, like most good things, doesn’t come easy. It takes work and resilience and is ours for the taking.

Our Secret Superpower

Our actions are a lot more powerful than we know, our words a lot more potent, our lives a lot more significant. Tap into this potential and the sky is your limit.

Am I More Than A Disability?

I’ve been disabled for over seven years now. It’s been hard but it’s been amazing. Sometimes I feel like it’s all too much to handle, sometimes I feel like I might be the luckiest guy on the planet. Today I don’t feel so lucky. I know I have it quite good considering, I know thingsContinue reading “Am I More Than A Disability?”

The Boy With A Hole In His Chest

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people just prefer coffee I guess. But I have noticed a bit of a trend. A lot of people seem to like tea. My tea. I get told a lot about how I’m this and that, how people like me and how I make them happy… and IContinue reading “The Boy With A Hole In His Chest”